Saturday, January 11, 2025

My 2025 Word of the Year & A Giveaway!

A belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you! I pray that your holidays were exceedingly blessed and that this greeting finds you in good health and much encouraged in your walk with Jesus! It is hard to imagine that we are now in 2025, and I don't recall living through a faster-moving year than 2024. It just felt like it flew by, and as hard as I tried to grasp onto the moments, they slipped through my hands like grains of sand. Time onward flows, and here we are, already 11 days into the new year, still pressing on, keeping the faith, and doing our utmost to follow Jesus as closely as we can. 


2024 held some life changes for us; honestly, some of them left me reeling, sort of clinging to the Lord for dear life. Some were good changes, some not so good, but life continues, all glory to God, and new challenges and fresh grace come with each new season. I am so thankful our faithful, loving God never changes. No matter what we face or experience in this life, He remains steadfast and unmovable. What a glorious blessing to be able to count on Him through it all! I am very grateful to God for sparing all three of our lives to see a new year ushered in together. Every second God gives me to spend with my dear husband and son means more to me than I could ever thank Him for or express.

~2025 Word of the Year~

I sought the Lord earnestly about the word He wants me to focus on this year, and the result of that seeking is something that I feel very passionate about right now. For many months, God has repeatedly and through various ways brought Romans 12:1,2 across my path. "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." It has come across my path so often that it has really arrested my attention and caused me to dig into what exactly He is trying to get across to me. As I have read and pondered it, the phrase that jumps out at me the most is "the renewing of your mind." There is something in that that really calls to me right now, and it is the basis for my word of the year and its accompanying acronym.

R       - Renew

E     - Energize

S   - Strengthen

E   - Encourage

T            - Trust

I feel the need for a reset and long for a renewing of my mind. I need a fresh touch from heaven to energize and keep me going. I need strength that only He can give and encouragement straight from His heart to mine. I am leaning into trusting Him as never before.

~Free Online Seminar~

Right in the midst of my seeking the Lord for my word of the year and pondering Romans 12:1,2, I came across and just watched a free online Christian seminar on Limbic System Rewire that I feel is worthy of your time. I'm unsure how long they will be available, but the replays of the five days' lessons are posted here, in case you would like to watch them. Very interesting stuff.

~Decluttering Inspiration~

If you are like me, you feel the need to declutter and get back on track after the holidays. I published a post on our other blog, Biblical Minimalism, that is chock full of ten minimizing tips. Click here, to check it out! I noticed that I hadn't published a post there since July 2023! Yikes!

~A Song~

This song has long been one of my favorites and is my testimony. If you haven't subscribed to our channel and are interested in doing so, you can subscribe by clicking here.

~A Book Update~

All glory to the dear Lord. I feel like I am finally making some progress on editing Homespun Devotions: Volume Three. According to my estimations, there will be a total of 12 volumes altogether, and the task seems overwhelming to me. Still, I am pressing forward and even beginning to enjoy the process. If God wills, it would be a wonderful blessing to me to be able to get Volume Three published sometime this year. Only He knows what the year will bring forth, and I trust His timing.

If you are interested in any of our three published books, you may order them at the links below the pictures below.

Biblical Minimalism

Homespun Devotions: Volume One

Homespun Devotions: Volume Two

Or, if you email us at and request a copy, we will send them to you free of charge.

If you have read our books and they have been a blessing to you, and you would be willing to leave us an Amazon review, we would appreciate it so much!

~New Family Members~

Sweet little Emmy and Otis—new little rescue kitties that God brought into our home! Otis is named after Otis on The Andy Griffith Show. Fun fact—did you know that the same actor (Hal Smith) who played Otis on Andy Griffith was also the original voice actor for "Whit" on Adventures in Odyssey? Hal also voiced Winnie the Pooh for a period of time. 

~A Giveaway~

My dear, longtime blogging friend and Bible study partner, Noreen, has a granddaughter, MacKenzie, who is a super-talented artist. Noreen sent us a Christmas card that MacKenzie had made, and after seeing her work, I was so impressed that I visited her Etsy shop and placed an order. We are giving away sets of four of her beautiful note cards to five winners! Each of the five winners will receive one of each of her four designs shown here.

I love supporting small businesses, especially those owned by friends. If you get a chance, stop by and check out MacKenzie's Etsy shop and show her some support.

If you want to enter the giveaway, just leave us a comment below, and make sure you include your contact information if you are an anonymous commenter. Otherwise, you will not be entered because we have no way of reaching you. The giveaway is available to readers in the United States and will remain open until Thursday, 1/23/2025 when, Lord willing, we will draw the five winners' names.

I pray that all is well with each one of you and that your new year is off to a great start!


  1. That's a great verses and word to ponder on, Cheryl. I pray for all that you mentioned to come to pass for you.
    Aww, that's a cute picture of the kitties! Love "The Andy Griffith Show"!
    What beautiful note cards! MacKenzie is very talented. As I won the last giveaway, you don't need to enter me. :)
    I enjoyed reading your sweet post, dear friend! May God continue to give you His strength for each day.
    Much love,

  2. I'm excited to know about Homespun Devotions #3, Cheryl! The first two were such an inspiration to me, and many others, I'm sure. Please keep us posted on your progress. MacKenzie is quite the talented young lady, too. Thanks for featuring her here. God bless you and yours in the new year!

  3. Your word for 2025 is a beautiful one and I love that it spoke to you. I’m listening to your lovely song right now. I hope your kitties bring you joy. Isn’t MacKenzie a talented artist? It’s so wonderful that she’s using her talents from God. I have won one of your giveaways in the past, therefore you can exclude me. Happy New Year blessings to you, Kevin and Zach.

  4. It makes me so happy tonight that you are beginning to enjoy the work on Volume 3, dear friend ... AND that you've written over on your other blog. I'm heading over there right now. I'm so excited!

  5. Hello Cheryl, it was so good to see your post in my inbox. Your word for the year and its acronym is beautiful! There is much to ponder and consider. I am so sorry about the changes that left you reeling, my friend. The cards are just beautiful. I am about to listen to your sweet voice and then head over to your other blog!

  6. So good to visit with you tonight dear friend! I agree with you that 2024 was such an unusual year in so many ways, a mixed bag, but so thankful that we are here in 2025 and in our new home. What incredibly beautiful art McKenzie does, and how kind of you to do a giveaway! You have such a generous heart! I love your word for the year, and I feel that in my soul it is a "reset" kind of year too! May the Lord restore, reset and renew our hearts and minds in Him! I'm thrilled to hear that you are working on your next book, I know it is a big task, but the Lord has gifted you the talents and abilities to do it! Can't wait to hear when you hit publish on the next volume! Much love to you dear friend!

  7. I love how you have an acronym for your word for the year, Cheryl, and how you explain it - "I feel the need for a reset and long for a renewing of my mind. I need a fresh touch from heaven to energize and keep me going. I need strength that only He can give and encouragement straight from His heart to mine. I am leaning into trusting Him as never before." Amen! I so need that, too. Thank you. Love and blessings for a heavenly reset in 2025!

  8. As always, I needed to hear your message. Thank you for sharing your word of the year, I love how the acronym has verbs to put your word into action! Peace, Love, & Blessings to you!
