Wednesday, May 1, 2024

A Beautiful Cookbook GIVEAWAY!

I have a precious friend named Marilyn Moseley who fears the Lord, and this post is to honor her and her walk with Jesus and share some exciting news about her latest accomplishment, along with a giveaway!

Many of you already know her and/or are familiar with her blog, Mountain Top Spice, where she shares stories and breathtaking photos of life with her family in Idaho. She is a gardener, a cook, a wife, a mother, and a soon-to-be first-time grandmother! Her book, Through Love's Eyes, contains over 100 pages of her beautiful photos and writings, and she also has an encouraging YouTube channel where she shares uplifting videos that combine her stunning photos with Christian music.

Marilyn recently published her second book, a cookbook!

We are giving away a copy of Marilyn's wonderful new cookbook to not just one, but 
TWO Homespun Devotions readers!

All you need to do to enter the giveaway is leave us a comment below.

Anonymous commenters will not be included in the giveaway unless you include your name and email address in the comment. Otherwise we will have no way of getting in touch with you.

This giveaway is open to those who live in the US.

Drawing will be one week from today on Wednesday, May 8, 2024.

A big CONGRATULATIONS to you, Marilyn, upon this latest accomplishment, and may God continue to pour out His richest blessings upon you and prosper your every effort for Him and His kingdom!

You can find Marilyn online at her blog, Mountain Top SpiceFacebookInstagram, and YouTube.
You can purchase her books at Mountain Top Spice Cookbook and Through Love's Eyes.


May God bless each one of you dear readers and meet your needs today. If you are struggling, grieving, concerned, troubled, or in pain, I pray that today is the day God sends a breakthrough and answers your prayers. 

Keep looking to Jesus, the author and finisher of your faith. Hebrews 12:2
Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. I John 4:4
You are more than a conqueror through Him who loves you. Romans 8:37
Lift up your head, your Redemption draws nigh. Luke 21:28

Don't give up. You could be right on the verge of victory, and Jesus is coming soon!

"And, behold, I come quickly; and My reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last." Revelation 22:12-13


  1. Oh Cheryl, your words and post are so kind, I appreciate you doing this generous giveaway so very much! Truly the Lord's rich blessing in my life has been your faithful friendship through the years, and your love for the Lord and generous heart is always an encouragement to me! Thank you for your support for my cookbook, it has been a lifeling dream of mine to publish one. You are such a blessing to me, I love and appreciate you so much!!!

    1. Dear friend, you are certainly deserving of every word! You are so very welcome. I deeply appreciate your kind words to me, also, and I thank the Lord so much for your friendship. I am so thrilled that God blessed you to be able to publish this cookbook and that He has given you the desire of your heart! He is so faithful and true to His Word! You are such a dear blessing to me, too, and I love and appreciate you dearly. May God richly bless you always.

  2. I am thrilled to be able to receive homespun devotions in my email..a joy to my day…..thankyou Miss Marilyn for the gift of offering us a chance for enjoying your cookbook…congratulations to you…I am a senior..with many new health issues and surgeries I am joyfully healing from…Blessings to the both of you amazing ladies 🌹. Sharon

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Sharon. I am so sorry to hear of your health problems and trust the Lord will lay His healing and on you and see you through this difficult time. Could you please kindly respond with your email address? Otherwise, I won't be able to enter you into the giveaway because I would have no way to contact you if you should win. Thank you so much!

  3. I receive posts from Marilyn and love her blog as well as yours. You are both blessings to so many of us. Thank you for your witness and devotion to our Lord. I would love to win a cookbook. Just the kind of recipes I love to use. Thanks for the chance.

    1. How wonderful that you read Marilyn's blog! I appreciate your kind words. They were such an encouragement to me. Could you please reply and give me your email address so I can enter you into the giveaway? Otherwise I won't have a way to get in touch with you. Thank you so much, and God bless you!

  4. Cheryl, what a kind giveaway. I subscribe to Marilyn's blog and would love to have her cookbook! Blessings to you and appreciate your prayers.

  5. Dearest Cheryl, Your posts are a breath of fresh air and I love you so much! You're such a good friend and neighbor, folks, Cheryl is the real thing. God bless us all. He is risen, indeed!

    1. Dear friend, thank you for your kind words! They meant so much to me and blessed my heart. Sending love and hugs your way and hoping for a visit soon!

  6. What a lovely giveaway my friend! Through you, I discovered Marilyn and subscribed. Her photos are beautiful!

    1. Aw, that is just wonderful that I was able to introduce you to Marilyn! Thank you so much for your sweet visit and kind words. I appreciate you, sweet friend!

  7. Thanks so much, Cheryl, for supporting Marilyn and her recent cookbook here, and your offer of the give-away. You are so generous! Danny is in the hospital right now for a second ablation of his heart. His son, Nicco, is with him, PTL! He didn't go back to the operating room until about 3 this afternoon. Will you join us in prayer for a successful procedure so that God can fully heal him? Thanks so much and God bless you and yours always!

    1. Sweet Martha, I have been praying for Danny and praise God for seeing him through that procedure. He is so faithful to His trusting children! I pray all is still going well for both of you and trust God to hold you both close and keep you well, in Jesus' name. Sending love and hugs your way!

  8. Thank you for this giveaway, Cheryl. Also for the encouraging verses you share here. Love and blessings to you!

    1. Thank you so much, dear Trudy. It is always a blessing to see that you have stopped by. Sending love and blessings back to you tonight!

  9. Hello Cheryl!
    You're so sweet to do this giveaway for Marilyn. :) Her cookbook looks beautiful! Of course my email is ;)
    Thank you for your encouraging words! I've been thinking and praying for you, friend. How are you?
    Much love,

    1. Thank you for stopping by and for your kind words, sweet friend! I got your email tonight and am praying for you and your family. God is with you still. Please keep encouraged. Much love to you, too!

    2. Sweet friend, thank you for your precious reply here and through email. You're such a blessing! May God bless you,

  10. I have 10 children and I love to cook is my email

  11. Marilyn is such a beautiful friend! Haven’t we met the sweetest people through blogging? I won her other lovely book, Cheryl, so please don’t include my name is this special giveaway. Two lucky readers will be so blessed.
    Praying for you and your dear family, always.

    1. Yes! We surely have. Marilyn is precious, indeed. I so appreciate her and our phone calls and the blessing she is to my life. You are such a blessing to me, too, dear Kitty. I appreciate you being so sweet, but I definitely want to enter you in the giveaway! If you win, you will then have both of her lovely books! I so appreciate your prayers for my family and me. You will never know how much that means to me. I am praying for you and your family, too, and sending love and hugs your way.

  12. I so appreciate you and Marilyn. I look forward to both of your blog posts! I have a lot of food to prepare for a family of 7, so I would love a copy of Marilyn's cookbook! Thank you for the chance to win a copy. My email is:
    God Bless You!

    1. You are so sweet and kind, Ashley I so appreciate your encouragement and support. I'm so glad you entered the giveaway! You are so welcome, and may God bless you, too, and supply your every need, in Jesus' name.

  13. I'd love to be entered into this giveaway. Thank you friend! :D

    1. So nice to hear from you, Ashley. You are so welcome! May God bless you, sweet friend.

  14. Congratulations to dear Marilyn! I'm so blessed by all of her writing, sharing, and giving through YouTube also. I often listen to her worship sets to fall asleep peacefully. May the Lord bless her new books! Thank you Cheryl for offering this generous giveaway!

    1. Aw, that is so wonderful, Bettie! I absolutely love Marilyn's videos, too. Her beautiful photos added to the inspirational songs is so comforting. I especially love when she combines her daughter's piano playing with her photos. It is just amazing! God bless you, sweet friend.

  15. Marilyn is sweet lady. I love cookbooks especially those with gorgeous covers! Thanks Cheryl for doing this giveaway!

    1. She surely is sweet. She is such a precious friend and woman of God. You are so welcome!

  16. Marilyn is such a precious woman of God. I am so proud of her accomplishment with her cook book. This is such a wonderful giveaway Cheryl. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

    1. She surely is! I'm so proud of her, too. It is such a huge accomplishment! Praying much for you today, sweet friend, and sending many hugs your way.

  17. I have been a fan and friend of Marilyn over several years now. Her love of God has given me such an awesome opportunity to grow in my faith. After battling cancer for three years now I look forward to her weekly posts and beautiful pictures. Now a published cookbook along with everything else. Thank you for helping her on her publication with the giveaway. I know she appreciates it as I do too.

    1. That's so wonderful to hear how much Marilyn's ministry has impacted your life, Lynn. I pray you see such an improvement in your health. God bless you, Lynn!

  18. I discovered this wonderful Christian blogger about a year or so ago and would LOVE to try to win her cookbook!! I absolutely love her videos and writing. Glad I popped in today since the last day to enter!!

    1. Thanks for entering the giveaway, Faith! I'm glad you got here in time.

  19. Oh I would love Marilyn’s cookbook! I so enjoy her emails, stories and pictures! Thank you for doing this giveaway. May the Lord bless you!

    1. You are so welcome, Shirley. Thanks for entering, and may God bless you, too!

  20. I hope it's not too late to enter. I would love a paperback edition! Thank you for this opportunity! God bless!

    1. You're not too late. I'm waiting a while longer to give ample time for those who may be seeing it late. Both copies given away will be paperbacks mailed to the winners. You are so welcome! God bless you, too.

  21. Such a lovely giveaway. Thanks so much Cheryl. Blessings dear one.

    1. Thank you, dear Linda! God bless you always.
